Moni Ovadia tells about Don Giovanni

A musical journey through the great work of W. A. ​​Mozart
with Maestro Sergio La Stella who accompanies the interpreters of Don Giovanni on the piano

Playful drama in two acts
Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

Music by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

First performance: Prague, Estates Theater, 29 October 1787

Characters and performers

Narrator Moni Ovadia

Conductor on piano Sergio La Stella
Don Giovanni
Giulio Boschetti
Donna Anna Mimma Briganti
Don Ottavio Federico Vita
Il Commendatore Viktor Krastanov
Donna Elvira Marianna Mappa
Leporello Carlo Alberto Gioia
Zerlina Sabrina Sanza
Masetto Eugenio Di Lieto